It feels as though I am visiting a place I remember fondly, but have not been to in a long time.
Product Review: SheFit Ultimate Sports Bra
As I was meandering through the expo at the Hot Chocolate 15K in Denver, I stumbled upon the SheFit booth. As I was browsing through the samples they had out, one of the women at the booth asked if I could use some help. I let her know that I had sized out of my […]
Stop being so cruel to yourself.
I went on a hike with a wise friend of mine recently. I don’t get to spend much time with her, but when I do I always end up taking away some little bit of wisdom or insight into things. This time was no different. We were talking about our journeys regarding our bodies and […]
Are you ready for the new year?
Hear me out. As of this morning, there are a little over 60 days left until we ring in 2018. “But seriously, can we get through Halloween before we start talking about the holiday season?” Absolutely, but what’s on my mind isn’t about kisses at midnight (though those are always welcome) or champagne (also, always […]
Words to Banish from Your Vocabulary
Words do have power. Some have more than others and we need to be conscious of what we are saying – not only to others, but to ourselves. I found myself sinking into a somewhat self-destructive loop a few weeks ago where I was referring to myself as Idiot Loser Lazy Fatty Slacker Butterball […]
When you notice a difference
Last spring I went hiking with a friend. It wasn’t a particularly difficult trail but I struggled. I was out of breath, my legs were tired, I spent much of the time focusing on how I was holding my friend back and how out of shape and sad I was rather than admiring the beautiful […]